Latest News
During summer 2005, Bob has finally recovered from his illness.
People who care for Bob has asked me for a place on his site where to post their feelings and wishes to him. I've setup a simple guestbook, hoping that it'll work fine. Click here to access the guestbook. (Sorry for the spam it's getting, we're thinking on how to solve the problem)
On May 27, 2005 Robert Sheckley is finally back in the US, in the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. Read the Bill Lopez report on this.
Previous News
During a recent visit to Ukraine, after attending the SF Convention Portal 2005 (see the photos) Robert Sheckley fell ill and had to be hospitalized in Kiev on April 27, 2005. His conditions have been very serious for a while, but now, fortunately, he is slowly recovering.
However, the private clinic in which Robert has received medical care is quite expensive. The Pravda has reported on this specific problem. On May 21, 2005, a press release from Anja Sheckley states that the most urgent economical problems related with Bob's hospitalization in Kiev have been resolved. You may read the full press release by clicking here.
However, more economical help is needed, since on his return to the US, Robert has been immediately hospitalized, and a lengthy convalescence will follow, and Medicare pays only for the minimal standard of treatment.

Anyone who would like to help economically is mostly welcome! The easiest way to controbuite is using Paypal, by clicking the button below.

More information and assistence can be found also on two discussions opened by by Michael Moorcock on his site: Robert Sheckley ill in Kiev and Robert Sheckley Relief Drive.


New! you may watch a one hour talkshow Robert has taken part to on a TV Channel in Romania
in Summer 2004


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